Do you want your air conditioner to function efficiently throughout the year? Routine AC maintenance is the only way to ensure that. It’s common to have questions about what does air conditioner maintenance entail.

In simpler terms, AC companies in Zanesville will perform a deep cleaning of your cooling unit, lubricate motors and other moving parts, tighten and repair the electric connections, and review all safety checkpoints during the maintenance process. HVAC professionals are trained to fix these issues effortlessly.

A good air conditioner maintenance checklist for homeowners includes necessary steps that involve the least risks. They are easy to perform. The checklist will mostly concern deal with the outdoor components of the air conditioner in Zanesville. It would be best if you did not try to repair or clean internal components as it requires a qualified professional who has the right tools and knowledge.

Here’s Your Air Conditioner Maintenance Checklist

The onset of winters is the right time to seek AC repair in Newark. But if your cooling system is in ideal shape, then this AC maintenance checklist for homeowners will undoubtedly keep it functioning that way. If you are unable to reach out to air conditioner technicians, follow this maintenance list:

Steps To Take Every Month

  • Inspect the pressure gauge: Carefully observe the pressure gauge and ascertain that the pressure is in the right range. It is the first step in AC troubleshooting. Low-pressure readings can point towards low refrigerant levels or a leakage; high-pressure readings can indicate dirty or clogged condenser fins.
  • Vacuum Carpeted Areas: It’s a no-brainer that you should clean your house’s carpeted areas once every month. It will help you eliminate the dust, dirt, and other microbes that deteriorate indoor air quality.

Steps To Take Every Quarter

  • Check Smoke Alarms/Carbon Monoxide Detectors: These equipment ensure your loved one’s safety. Therefore, check your smoke alarms and CO detectors if they are functioning. Replace batteries or defective units if you sense an issue. Always call an HVAC technician if you want to be double sure about the changes you have made to this integral unit. Contacting experts for AC service in Lancaster, OH is best rather than performing DIY.
  • Clean Drain in Sinks: Clear out the sink and tub drains if you notice that the water is not flowing smoothly. You can use salt and hot water to clear them out. Plunging or snaking the drain will also resolve the issue.

Steps To Take Every Year

  • Clean Refrigerator Coils: Cleaning the coils will ensure that your air conditioner does not consume excessive electricity. It cuts down electricity usage by almost 15 percent. The cleaning will also reduce the strain on your cooling unit also and prolong its lifespan.

AC maintenance services give the best results when performed by experts. If you are looking for Lancaster air conditioning repair, trust Roy Mechanical LLC. Our trained professionals are committed to keeping your AC functional throughout the year. Call 740-777-2597 for a service estimate.

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