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Should My Furnace Fan Run Continuously?

Furnaces are an integral part of the heating system in our homes. Furnace fans run continuously to regulate the comfortable temperature inside. A furnace fan or blower distributes the air into the places in the home for evenly distribution of heating. Today, most houses use forced air systems and require the air to move in a certain direction.

To maintain the health of the furnace, homeowners must call out for furnace repair in Lancaster, Ohiofor routine maintenance. Though it often confuses homeowners whether to run the fan or not. Experts suggest that stopping and starting a fan tends to put more wear and tear on it than keeping it running consistently.

Why Does the Furnace Fan Need to Run?

There can be many reasons for a furnace fan to be continuously running. One of the most obvious reasons is when the thermostat fan is set to “On”. The furnace fan will run continuously. A continuous running furnace fan does not harm the unit. However, homeowners must keep checking for signs like defective fan limit switches and get them repaired immediately. Let’s look at some of the benefits of running the furnace fan continuously;

  • Low Energy Bills

Surprisingly, running a furnace fan always saves more energy than using it in auto mode. It keeps using the same amount of energy for the entire time. Whereas when it’s run in the other mode, it ends up consuming more energy as it needs to kick start and it has to reach the desired temperature.

Running a furnace fan continuously puts no strain on your energy budget. Energy star-rated furnaces always have a variable speed motor designed to run non-stop, consuming the fixed units of electricity. It also helps decrease greenhouse gas emissions and reduce carbon footprints. Get services for heating and cooling in Zanesville, Ohio.

  • Maintains a Comfortable Temperature

As the furnace fan is always on the run, it helps in better circulation of air inside the house. Hot air being light in nature rises and, therefore, the upper level of the house will be warmer than the lower levels. It will eliminate cold spots and even distribute the temperature inside the house. 

Experts suggest that homeowners must keep a close eye on any kind of signs for immediate repairs. For smooth functioning of the unit, one must call out for HVAC in Zanesville, Ohio.

  • Reduces Seasonal Allergies

When the furnace fan is continuously running, the air gets continuously circulated and helps in keeping the seasonal allergies in check. The quality of the air inside the house needs to be maintained as it puts residents at risk of getting sick with nausea and common colds. It can also aggravate the breathing problem.

When furnace fans are always rolling, the air is constantly filtered through the furnace filters, ensuring that residents breathe clean air. Homeowners must keep checking the furnace filter and call for furnace replacement in Newark, OHto get it replaced regularly.

We can help you save money on the maintenance of your furnace. Schedule an appointment with our expert technicians by calling us at (740) 777-2597. 
