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How To Prepare The Furnace For This Winter

The arrival of winter means it is time to mend the furnace for the long season. It can be hard to schedule a furnace tune-up and repair during winter. Moreover, the situation can be frustrating for the owners if they find their heating system malfunctioning in the middle of winter. Therefore it is necessary to look for timely heating services in Zanesville, OH.

Tips that will help the owners to get their furnaces ready this winter.

Change the filters

Filters are an essential part of an HVAC system as they sieve dirt and debris and are responsible for providing safe air in the home. This dirt and debris accumulate in the filters and clog them. Therefore it is essential to clean the filters regularly, as clogged filters put unnecessary stress on the system, which is enough to affect the entire system’s efficiency.

Test the thermostat

Thermostat malfunctioning is a condition that can affect the working efficiency of the system. When the thermostat is not working, it will not show the correct temperature, and the system will work harder to give the desired results. Therefore you should look for expert technicians to look after your HVAC in Lancaster, OH and maintain the furnace’s efficiency.

Have the chimney serviced

There can be chances for creosote and other flammable substances to build up in the chimneys., In this case, owners need professional help to get them cleaned.  Chimney clean-up also becomes essential to avoid carbon build-up and prevent corrosion build-up.

Cover the AC condenser unit

Once it is far enough in the autumn season to turn off the air conditioner, it is better to cover the outdoor condenser unit. Covering the condenser unit will help to protect it from dirt, debris, and ice.

Test the carbon monoxide detectors

The carbon monoxide detectors are essential to protect the home. Therefore, they should be clean and properly placed. It will help protect the house from carbon monoxide danger.

Check the blower motor

The blower motor requires lubrication regularly. It is essential to ensure it’s working and avoid getting damaged. Usually, a technician will help the owners with this task as they will do the cleaning and lubrication more efficiently.

Ensure the service of the heat exchanger

Cleaning the heat exchanger is a part of the furnace tune-up in Lancaster, OH. A professional will help to carefully dust and vacuum the heat exchanger. They will also look for cracks and other signs of a broken furnace, such as carbon leakage, and fix them.

Check the oil filters

The oil filters require regular service and cleaning to work efficiently. The oil-burning furnaces require the replacement of the oil filter and burner nozzle and get the tank filled up. It is also essential to prevent residues due to the heat exchanger.


Most homeowners rely on their furnaces to keep them warm and comfortable in the winter. To work efficiently, they require regular tune-ups. Routine furnace maintenance from Roy Mechanical LLC will help the owners avoid unexpected and inconvenient breakdowns. For further queries, owners can contact us at (740) 777-2579.
