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Enhance Your Air Conditioner Efficiency This Summer

Air conditioners and furnaces are the best HVAC appliances that keep us comfortable during the unpleasant weather. As an owner of these appliances, you should take proper care of them to ensure that your comfort does not suffer. Here is how you can prepare your appliance to perform better and minimize instances of  HVAC repair in Lancaster.

  • Remove Covers

The best way to protect your air conditioners from dust and dirt during the long winter break is by covering the outside and inside units. However, once the winter season ends, you should remove those covers.

If you switch on your air conditioner with the covers on, especially on the compressor, you can pose serious damage to your appliance. Covers restrict the airflow, due to which the system cannot work properly and face damage.

  • Replace Air Filters

As an HVAC company, we cannot emphasize air filters for your appliance and your family members. Before using your air conditioner, ensure the air filters do not have any clogging.

Clogged air filters will restrict airflow in the system, and the dirt in them will circulate in the house, causing breathing problems and skin irritations. Replace your air filters according to your appliance’s needs.

  • Clean Vents and Ducts

As you know, the condensed air from the air conditioner travels to all parts of your home through the vents and ducts. If there are any problems with the ducts, your home will face problems like inefficient cooling and hot and cold pockets.

Problems with vents include leakages, holes, dirt accumulation, and foreign objects. You should check and clean the vents before you switch on your air conditioner to ensure they are strong and sturdy enough to work this season. If there are some problems that you cannot fix, you should contact a professional technician for air conditioner repair in Lancaster, OH.

  • Inspect the Thermostat

Problems with the thermostat mean problems with the whole air conditioner. If the thermostat does not detect the required temperature, your home will not be comfortable enough to stay in there.

Inspect your thermostat for wiring faults and dead batteries before connecting it to the air conditioner. Also, you can install a smart thermostat in place of your old thermostat as it offers various benefits to you.

  • Schedule Professional Maintenance

After you have checked and inspected all the components of your air conditioner mentioned above, contact a professional technician for Lancaster heating and air services.

You may think that spending money on professional services is not worth it, but you should understand that an air conditioner has several parts that only a professional can inspect, repair, or replace.

  • Use Your System

Once the parts of your air conditioner are ready to work efficiently, switch on the system and start using it. However, ensure that there are no problems with the system like lesser cooling or unwanted noises.

If you notice any unusual activities with your air conditioner, you should contact a professional to thoroughly inspect it again.

Roy Mechanical LLC is here to provide you with the best HVAC repair services at affordable rates. Contact us at (740) 777-2597 or email us to learn about our working methods and services.
